Monday, June 28, 2010

Celebrating 1 Year and 17 Lives Changed!

We opened the doors of the Clubfoot Unit 1 year ago.

During that time, we have had the privilege of seeing

the lives of 17 precious children

- whose future was very bleak -

totally turned around.

We have since said goodbye to some of the children

as they completed their treatment and returned to their hometowns.

Some are still with us, and will be leaving soon.

We look forward to this next year when more children arrive,

to be nurtured, loved, cared for,

their clubfoot treated,

and their lives totally changed for the better.

The photos shown are before and afters of Cris

who was the first child to arrive at the Unit.

Thank you for helping us to change lives.


Chris said...

How wonderful!

How amazing!

Kim said...

Simply Incredible!

Chandra said...

Congratulations on your first year!
Thank you for loving these little ones, nuturing them, giving them roots and teaching them to fly! What a wonderful gift you all are to their lives! Bless you!!!